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Sale clause

 I. special tips
1.1 "oldmeters.com" is an instrument maintenance platform established and operated by Shenzhen sanenchi Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "sanenchi").
1.2 this agreement stipulates the rights and obligations between Suntech and the user (hereinafter referred to as "the user") on the service provided by 999 instrument maintenance platform (hereinafter referred to as "the service"). "User" refers to the individual, enterprise and organization who registers, logs in or uses the service. This agreement can be formulated and updated by Suntech. Once the updated agreement terms are published, they will replace the original agreement terms without further notice. Users can check the latest version of the agreement terms on the platform at any time. After the agreement terms are modified by Suntech, if the user does not accept the modified terms, please immediately stop using the services provided by Suntech, and the user's continued use of the services provided by Suntech will be deemed to accept the modified agreement.
1.3 your appointment, inquiry, use, etc. will be deemed as acceptance of this Agreement and agree to be bound by the terms of this agreement.
1.4 the user confirms and accepts that the ownership and operation right of various instrument services of oldmeters.com belong to sunchi. oldmeters.com will provide services in accordance with the relevant terms and regulations issued by it. Once the user registration procedure (first login) is completed in the platform system, or the general user obtains product information from the platform system, it means that the user has fully agreed to the terms of service and is willing to abide by the terms.
1.5 when users use oldmeters.com, Suntech needs to collect personal information of users so that Suntech can contact users when necessary, or provide users with better use experience. The information collected by sunchi includes but is not limited to the user's name, mobile phone number, ID card number, ID card photo (front and back, I hold the photo), etc.; sunchi agrees that the use of these information will be limited by the protection of the user's personal privacy information in Article 3.
1.6 in order to obtain the service of oldmeters.com, the user shall recognize and agree all the contents of this clause on the basis of understanding all the contents of this clause, and complete all the registration procedures according to the prompts on the page.
1.7 after the user logs in for the first time, the registration is successful. The user's account and password shall be kept by the user. In the process of using oldmeters.com service, the user shall be fully responsible for his own use of oldmeters.com service, any information released and disclosed by the user through oldmeters.com service, and any consequences arising therefrom.
1.8 after the user is registered successfully, the oldmeters.com platform has the right to conduct non-commercial investigation and research based on the user's operation behavior in the process of using oldmeters.com service.
1.9 after successful registration, the user agrees and complies with the terms.
II. Service content
2.1 the specific content of this service shall be provided by Suntech according to the actual situation, including but not limited to the authorized user's reservation, query, use and other behaviors through his account and using oldmeters.com. Sanenchi has the right to extend the services provided by sanenchi, and the nature of the services provided by sanenchi may change at any time, and users will not receive sanenchi's notice on the change of the nature of the services, unless sanenchi is necessary for the situation.
2.2 the user understands that Suntech only provides technical services related to oldmeters.com.
III. change, interruption or termination of services
3.1 in view of the particularity of the network service, the user agrees that Suntech has the right to change, interrupt or terminate part or all of the service at any time without notice to the user, and Suntech shall not bear any responsibility to the user or the third party.
3.2 the user understands that sanenchi needs to repair or maintain the platform (such as Internet website, mobile network, etc.) or related equipment that provides the service from time to time. If the service is interrupted within a reasonable time due to such circumstances, sanenchi shall not bear any responsibility for this.
3.3 in case of any of the following situations, Suntech has the right to interrupt or terminate the provision of services to users at any time without any responsibility to users or any third party:
(1) the personal data provided by the user is not true;
(2) the user violates the national policies of laws and regulations or the use rules stipulated in this Agreement;
(3) the user fails to use the service as required or has other illegal acts.
IV. protection of personal privacy information
4.1 in the process of using the service, users may need to fill in or submit some necessary information, such as the identity information required to be filled in according to laws and regulations, regulatory documents (hereinafter referred to as "laws and regulations"). If the information submitted by the user is incomplete or does not conform to the provisions of laws and regulations, the user may not be able to use the service or be restricted in the process of using the service.
4.2 personal privacy information refers to the information related to the user's personal identity or privacy, such as the user's real name, mobile phone number, mobile device identification code, detailed address, etc. Non personal privacy information refers to the basic record information, other general information beyond the scope of personal privacy information, and the above-mentioned privacy information that the user agrees to disclose, which is clearly and objectively reflected in the operation status and usage habits of the service on the server side of oldmeters.com.
4.3 respect for the privacy of the user's personal privacy information is the consistent system of Suntech. Suntech will take technical measures and other necessary measures to ensure the security of the user's personal privacy information and prevent the user's personal privacy information collected in the service from leakage, damage or loss. In case of any of the above-mentioned situations or any possibility of any of the above-mentioned situations found by Suntech, remedial measures will be taken in a timely manner.
4.4 Suntech shall not disclose the user's personal privacy information to any third party without the user's consent. Except for the following specific circumstances:
(1) Sanchi provides the user's personal privacy information in accordance with the laws and regulations or the instructions of the competent authority;
(2) any personal information leakage caused by users' informing or sharing their personal privacy information with others, or other personal privacy information leakage not caused by oldmeters.com;
(3) users disclose their personal privacy information to a third party;
(4) the user and oldmeters.com and cooperative maintenance unit reach an agreement on the use and disclosure of the user's personal privacy information, and oldmeters.com therefore discloses the user's personal privacy information to cooperative maintenance unit;
(5) any personal privacy information disclosure caused by hacker attack, computer virus invasion and other force majeure events.
4.5 the user agrees that Suntech can use the user's personal privacy information in the following matters:
(1) oldmeters.com sends important notices to users in time, such as personal service information and changes of terms of this Agreement;
(2) internal audit, data analysis and research of oldmeters.com to improve the products, services and communication with users;
(3) in accordance with the agreement, Sanchi manages, reviews user information and takes handling measures;
(4) other matters regulated by applicable laws and regulations.
4.6 the user confirms that the information of provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions (hereinafter referred to as "geographic location information") contained in the geographic location is non personal privacy information. The user's successful appointment of oldmeters.com instrument maintenance service is deemed as confirmation of authorization of oldmeters.com to extract, disclose and use the user's geographic location information. The geographic location information of users will be disclosed to other users by oldmeters.com. If users need to stop disclosing their geographic location information to other users, they can explain to oldmeters.com at any time.
4.7 in order to improve the service of oldmeters.com and provide users with better service experience, oldmeters.com may collect and use or provide users' non personal privacy information to a third party.
4.8 in order to ensure the authenticity of the service process, oldmeters.com is allowed to record the maintenance process in the form of video, upload and store it on the server of oldmeters.com, and allow sanenchi to disclose the video under certain circumstances (disputes between the maintenance master and the user, sanenchi is used for audit, etc.).
V. rights and responsibilities of data protection
5.1 sanenchi has a strict process supervision system, and the maintenance master shall not transfer, consult or call any data in the customer's equipment for any reason other than maintenance or recycling, but sanenchi does not exclude any possibility of data leakage of the maintenance equipment caused by uncontrollable factors.
5.2 please make sure to back up and clear the sensitive data of the equipment to be overhauled before placing an order. Suntech will not be liable for any loss or liability caused by data loss, leakage and other factors during the maintenance or recovery of the equipment.
Vi. rights and responsibilities of maintenance process
6.1 in the process of maintenance, sanenchi promises to repair other faults caused by maintenance errors free of charge; if the equipment is completely damaged, sanenchi will compensate you for an equivalent model (regional version is not guaranteed).
6.2 in the process of maintenance, in case of any dispute between the engineer and the user due to personal reasons, Suntech will take the initiative to negotiate and solve for the user.
6.3 after the equipment is tested by oldmeters.com, if you voluntarily give up the maintenance, you need to bear the express fee and the insurance fee of express articles sent back to you.
6.4 for the equipment that has lost part or all functions due to falling, bumping, extrusion or liquid inlet area of more than 10%, oldmeters.com is only responsible for the functions you specify to be repaired. No responsibility for other known or unknown faults of the equipment.
6.5 please fill in the relevant information of the equipment to be overhauled carefully when you place the order. oldmeters.com will not be responsible for any failure of the equipment in the maintenance process due to the error or omission of the information submitted by you.
6.6 if the maintenance equipment is damaged or lost during the maintenance period of oldmeters.com (except for force majeure events), oldmeters.com will and will only bear the maintenance cost and the compensation responsibility of the same model (regional version is not guaranteed) as the maintenance equipment hardware, oldmeters.com will not bear any other consequences and responsibilities arising therefrom.
6.7 Suntech promises to use quality spare parts for equipment maintenance.
VII. Rights and responsibilities of warranty service
Within 90 days from the date of repairing the machine, if there is any non-human damage performance failure of the instrument maintenance parts, the customer shall enjoy free replacement and maintenance service.
The warranty service is only valid under normal use. All artificial damages and non product quality reasons of subordinates are not covered by the free warranty:
7.1 the actual fault parts are inconsistent with the warranty parts.
7.2 instrument damage caused by the negligence, fault, abuse, misuse or disaster damage of the user or the third party (such as: food liquid stains, water in the instrument, external force cracks, scratches on peripheral parts, etc.).
7.3 the damage caused by the user's self disassembly, non oldmeters.com platform repair and modification (such as frequency change, installation, adjustment or any incorrect change).
7.4 improper connection of accessories, failure to use in accordance with the instructions, instrument damage due to transportation and other accidents.
7.5 instrument failure or damage caused by incorrect or improper operation and use.
7.6 no maintenance certificate or valid invoice.
VIII. Rights and responsibilities of maintenance and recovery services
8.1 oldmeters.com is the accurate recovery price evaluated according to your description. Please describe the corresponding situation of your instrument products truthfully. If there is any difference or discrepancy between your instrument and the description, oldmeters.com will arrange the maintenance technician to explain the situation with you, and re evaluate according to the actual situation. You can also cancel this transaction, and the return postage or other expenses incurred due to the cancellation will be borne by the user;
8.2 the quotation of oldmeters.com is allowed to be adjusted and changed in real time, and the order submitted before the price adjustment is not affected by the adjustment;
8.3 the maintenance commitment does not include the following situations: the instrument fails to contact the user, has applied for further testing, the legal holidays are postponed, the user's own reasons, etc., which will determine the remittance time according to the actual situation;
8.4 no notice shall be given for official price adjustment, and the price shall be evaluated according to the system, which shall prevail when the order is submitted;
8.5 data or data may be lost during maintenance. Please delete or backup important data before maintenance. If the data is lost due to no backup, oldmeters.com will not be liable;
8.6 after the successful completion of the goods recycling transaction, oldmeters.com has the right to dispose of the goods without reservation and reservation;
8.7 this transaction shall be conducted in accordance with the principles of legality, fairness, transparency and rationality;
8.8 the articles to be traded shall be articles of regular channels. On the contrary, oldmeters.com has the right to return or give warning treatment, and oldmeters.com shall not bear its responsibility;
8.9 for the fake instruments, high imitation instruments and illegal channel articles, oldmeters.com refuses to recycle them, and has the right to return them or give them to the police for treatment, and oldmeters.com does not assume its responsibility.
IX. legal liability
9.1 the user understands and agrees that oldmeters.com has the right to punish the behaviors in violation of relevant laws and regulations or this agreement in accordance with reasonable judgment, take appropriate legal actions against any user in violation of laws and regulations, and save relevant information in accordance with laws and regulations to report to relevant departments, etc., and the user shall bear all legal liabilities arising therefrom.
9.2 the user understands and agrees that in case of any claim, requirement or loss claimed by any third party, including reasonable attorney's fee, due to the user's violation of the agreement, the user shall compensate oldmeters.com, cooperative maintenance engineer and affiliated unit and keep them harmless.
X. force majeure and other responsible causes
10.1 the user understands and confirms that during the use of the service, it may encounter force majeure and other risk factors, which may cause the service to be interrupted. Force majeure refers to unforeseeable, insurmountable and unavoidable objective events that have a significant impact on one or both parties, including but not limited to natural disasters such as floods, earthquakes, epidemics and storms, as well as social events such as wars, riots, government actions, etc. In case of the above situation, oldmeters.com will try to cooperate with relevant units in the first time and recover in time. However, oldmeters.com and cooperative maintenance units are exempted from liability within the scope permitted by law for the losses caused to users.
10.2 like most Internet services, this service may be disturbed by various security problems due to the difference of factors including but not limited to user reasons, network service quality, social environment, etc., such as other people's use of user's data, resulting in harassment in real life; the user shall strengthen the awareness of information security and data protection, and pay attention to password protection to avoid any interference. Loss and harassment.
10.3 the user understands and confirms that oldmeters.com shall not be liable for any loss caused by service interruption or failure to meet the user's requirements due to force majeure, computer virus or hacker attack, system instability, user's location, user shutdown and any other technology, Internet, communication line reasons, etc.
10.4 the user understands and confirms that in the process of using the service, there is any misleading, deceptive, threatening, defamatory, offensive or illegal information from any other person, or anonymous or pseudonymous information infringing the rights of others, as well as any behavior accompanying such information, resulting in any loss of the user or the third party, oldmeters.com does not undertake Take any responsibility.
10.5 the user understands and confirms that oldmeters.com needs to regularly or irregularly repair or maintain "oldmeters.com" platform or related equipment. If the service is interrupted within a reasonable time due to such circumstances, oldmeters.com does not need to take any responsibility for this, but oldmeters.com shall notify in advance.
10.6 oldmeters.com obtains the right to deal with illegal or breached contents in accordance with laws and regulations and this agreement. This right does not constitute the obligation or commitment of oldmeters.com. oldmeters.com cannot guarantee to discover illegal or breached behaviors in time or deal with them accordingly.
10.7 the user understands and confirms that oldmeters.com is not responsible for the quality defects of the following products or services provided to the user by oldmeters.com and any losses caused by them:
(1) free service provided by oldmeters.com to users
(2) any products or services presented to users by oldmeters.com
Eleven, others
11.1 by using this service, you are deemed to have read and agreed to be bound by this agreement. oldmeters.com has the right to modify the terms of this agreement when necessary. You can refer to the latest agreement terms on the relevant page. After the terms of this Agreement are changed, if you continue to use the service, you will be deemed to have accepted the modified agreement. If you do not accept the modified agreement, you should stop using the service.
11.2 if you violate this agreement or relevant laws and regulations, oldmeters.com has the right to terminate this Agreement immediately, and you shall bear all losses and responsibilities arising therefrom.
11.3 the establishment, effectiveness, performance, interpretation and dispute settlement of this Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the mainland of the people's Republic of China (excluding the conflict law).
11.4 in case of any dispute or dispute between you and Suntech, it shall be settled through friendly negotiation first; if the negotiation fails, you agree to submit the dispute or dispute to the people's court with jurisdiction in the place where this agreement is signed for jurisdiction.
11.5 the headings of all terms of this Agreement are for convenience of reading only, and have no actual meaning, and cannot be used as the basis for interpretation of the meaning of this agreement.
11.6 the terms of this Agreement shall be invalid or unenforceable in part for any reason, and the remaining terms shall remain valid and binding on both parties.
11.7 Sanchi has the final right to interpret the services under this agreement.
Note: the second-hand instrument is subject to the evaluation after actual test.


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